(English) Pakistan’s Foreign Policy and International Relations - ادارہ

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Pakistan’s Foreign Policy and International Relations

Focus on China and Russia and Riddance from American

Subjugation as Part of a Diversified Relations Policy


China mediated a diplomatic agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia in March 2023. The recent agreement on the resumption of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia has raised major doubts about the role of the US in the Middle East, and Pakistan should take notice of this development. Pakistan has traditionally maintained close ties with the US, and the two countries have cooperated on matters such as counterterrorism and regional stability.However, America’s changing involvement in the Middle East can undoubtedly affect Pakistan’s relations with it. On the flip side, China and Russia have been constantly strengthening their ties with Pakistan over the past few years. China has invested heavily in the foundational infrastructure and energy sectors of Pakistan through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), while Russia has shown immense interest in deepening its military and economic cooperation with Pakistan.

Recommendations to the Government: In light of the aforementioned developments, Pakistan should reassess its relations with the US, China, and Russia. A few points of note:

  1. Diversity in Relations: Pakistan should diversify its relations with major global powers like the US, China, and Russia. This would aid Pakistan in maintaining independence in its foreign policy and reducing dependence on any single country. In the effort to advance towards stronger relations, Pakistan should also take actions for the protection of its Islamic identity, regional culture, and family system. Wherever major powers have had dominion in the past, they have left a lasting impression on the social fabric of that region. Especially in the case of America, western values and identity have been notably influential. Thus, it is in need of correction.
  2. Strengthening Relations with China: Pakistan should deepen its ties with China owing to its growing economic and military influence. This would enable Pakistan to gain access to the Chinese market and its technology. However, it must also be considered that whichever Third-World countries China collaborated with, it left a significant mark on their social structures, while their economies were unmistakably impacted by unbridled Chinese ideologies.
  3. Exploring Unprecedented Opportunities with Russia: Pakistan should explore new options for collaboration with Russia, especially in energy and defense sectors. This would help Pakistan reduce dependence on the US, and diversify its sources of military paraphernalia.
  4. Balancing Regional Interests: Pakistan should equilibrate its regional interests and avoid getting caught in the crossfire of geographical and political rivalries. This would necessitate that Pakistan engage in diplomacy cautiously and avoid taking sides in conflicts between major powers. Pakistan should reassess its relations with the US, China, and Russia owing to the shifting geographical and political landscape of the Middle East. By diversifying its relations and balancing its regional interests, Pakistan can maintain independence with respect to its foreign policy and protect its national interests. However, matters relating to India are unique. Its ambitions to assimilate Pakistan into itself according to the concept of “Akhund Bharat” are based on our perpetual enmity. Thus, we should strategize in order to constantly strengthen our defensive capabilities and expose and counter their motives.
  5. The Economy:The American economy is undoubtedly declining with the dollar losing value and the end of its supremacy in international trade. Pakistan should act cautiously in light of these facts when it negotiates with US-backed financial institutions in the coming days. In this regard, in order toensure our internal and economic self-sufficiency, laws made in the past should also be reviewed.
  6. Barter Trade: The sooner Pakistan breaks free from the shackles of American slavery, the better. In our present situation, we should focus on acquiring cheaper oil and wheat through the non-dollar payment system as well as barter trade.
  7. Pakistan and Arab Countries: Arab countries have always been important to Pakistan. Since they are Muslim countries, and the reasons are quite substantial and self-explanatory. Close to five million Pakistanis live there and send a portion of their earnings back. These countries have helped selflessly in every difficult predicament. Pakistan Army has consistently participated in the defense of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Bahrain, among other countries. Funds amounting to billions have been received from private welfare institutions and organizations of these countries in addition to government institutions. The entire process of reception of these funds must be regulated.
  8. Rays of Hope for Pakistan:
    1. Arab countries and China forming a single bloc
    2. Ease of tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
    3. Saudi Arabia’s resumption of relations with Turkey, Qatar, and Malaysia.
    4. CPEC routes and other stalled projects are being resumed.
    5. Opportunities for both China and Russia to access warm waters due to extraordinary geographical significance.
  9. National Interests:National interests are in dire need of being prioritized, since only with the existence of Pakistan is a struggle for Islam possible. In order to achieve this, the elite, the ruling class, and politicians need to play their due roles.
  10. Caution: However, we need to exercise extreme caution such that our turning towards Russia and China in our effort to rid ourselves of American subjugation is not of a nature that binds us into yet another form of slavery. State independence and the protection of interests are of supreme importance. That being said, it is of utmost import that we submit ourselves to Allah(SWT), protect our country’s ideological boundaries, and progress towards the fulfillment of Pakistan’s founding purpose,i.e., the establishment of the Islamic Shariah.

All these suggestions require a stable government as well as a self-reliant, independent, and sincere leadership, one that prioritizes national interests and religious honor over personal, familial, commercial, and political gains, and instead of demanding sacrifices from the people, forsakesits own privileges. Only then will the country witness any form of prosperity and stability.

Note: A policy document of Tanzeem e Islami, August 2023; Translated by Muhammad Momin, a Rafiq of Tanzeem e Islami