"Why Jinnah said "Israel is an illegitimate son of West
Ijaz Khan
A statement of Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Founder of Pakistan) that Israel is an illegitimate son of West. When It was interrogated how a state can be unlawful in contemporary era where an organization like League of Nations and United Nation Organization having prime role to maintain world peace which is questionable now. I found the answer in past which exposed to me who is who in the history and how Palestine paying for Europe’s crimes to carve out a Jewish state where they were in small minority. Birth of Israel in chronological order for better understanding:
2000 years of Jewish exodus from Egypt, wherever they settled e.g. Spain, Germany, Turkey etc. have been creating conspiracy theories, stabbed on back and unrests over there. It is high time to stop them destroying world peace.
In 1799 French Army Officer Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) had issued a proclamation to the Jews to support him on his Syrian campaign in return he will help to establish Jewish state in Palestine.
In 1896 Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) Political Activist, Journalist (Father of Zionist Movement) planned to establish Jewish homeland in Palestine. He invented religious slogan “Palestine Suleman” to boost Zionist movement. He assembled Jewish people in Palestine area to draw League of Nations’ attention toward the need of Jewish’s national state.
In 1897 Lord Walter Rothschild (1868-1937) British Banker, Politician, Zoologist and Zionist leader arranged First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland chaired by Theodor Herzl. He transformed popular phenomenon into a political movement.
In 1898 Jewish lobby convinced Qaiser William of Germany (Personal Friend of Sultan) that during his visit to Turkey he would ask Sultan to accept the Jewish resolution. Sultan ignored his appeal. William did not insist because if Sultan knew the hidden motive; Germany would be deprived from Berlin Bagdad Railway link.
1901 Dr. Herzl established Zionist Colonial Bank (A Bank without state) with Principle amount £ 30M. Dr. Herzl offered in debt relief and financial aid to Turkish Sultan Abdul Hameed, in return Sultan replied that he will not allow an Inch of Palestinian land to the Jews. Dr. Herzl not only threatened him for bad consequences but also started conspiracies to oust Sultan and pressurized him through external regimes.
In 1902 after the death of Dr. Herzl, Headquarter of Zionist movement shifted to Cologne, Germany later a hidden branch was established in a Palestinian port.
In 1909 Sultan Abdul Hameed was deposed from power, Freemasons (group of Jewish community who deceptively became Muslims and Westernized Muslim) emerged as Turkish nationalist and influenced Turk Army playing a key role to destabilize government.
In 1909 Muhmud Shevket Pasha became Prime Minister (1908-1913) of Turkey. Three Jewish Ministers of his Cabinet (Construction, Trade and Finance) succeeded to permit Jewish ownership rights and to buy land in Palestine by using administrative & personal influence.
In 1914 during First World War both Turks and Arabs emerged as rival. American University in Beirut (AUB) played a pivot role to facilitate an Arab Christian intellectuals to encourage Turk and Arab Nationalism. Moreover, Thomas Edward Lawrence (1888-1935) British Army Officer, explorer, scholar, writer, Military strategist, linguist known as Lawrence of Arabia who organized the Arabs revolt against Ottoman Empire.
1914 - 1918 during 1st World war President of Zionist movement Dr. Wiseman who was the Professor of Chemistry in Manchester University not only offered Jewish intelligence from all over the world but presented chemical weaponry secrets to Britain if they pledged to establish Jewish state in Palestine.
In 1917 the British government announced its public statement (Balfour Declaration) to support for the establishment of "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine with a small minority Jewish population. First a group of Jewish migrated into Palestine from Russia then from England and so on. British leaders like Lord Hanning Field and Salisbury supported Zionist movement. They forced Turkish Sultan Abdul Hameed to recognize the right of Jews in Palestine.
In 1920 Sevres Treaty was made under which a peace pact occurred between Sultan Waheed-ud-Deen of Turkey and Allied forces as a result of this pact Ottoman Empire was abolished. In fact, Allied forces took control over Turkish economy.
During 1920-1948 three Jewish Terrorist groups i.e. Haganah, Eastern Gange and Argen under the leadership of Yosef Hecht, Herzaq Shameer and Menachem Begin respectively were active in killing & evicting Palestinian from their homeland. Later on, both Shameer and Begin became Prime Ministers of Israel.
Balfour Declaration a mile stone in Zionist movement which was made in return of Dr. Wiseman scientific innovation gave Great Britain upper hand in 1st World War and also pleased the American Jews who had control over American Banking system. Lord Balfour wrote in his personal Diary “making any decision about Palestine we should not care the 6 million inhabitants; Zionism is more important for us”. Palestine was not a bare land. A nation had been settled there for the last two thousand years. In fact, Balfour Declaration was a deliberate deception targeting the Arabs.
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