The Palestinian Issue
Aslam Chouglay
The western media propaganda always talks about “both sides”. They boast their kind of civilized stand when they “condemn” both sides. Many spokespersons have repeatedly pointed out this misrepresentation of facts. There is only one side to the whole issue – the criminal, invader, occupier and the victims who are the people of Palestine.
The western regimes supporting the illegal terrorist state, such as UK, France, Germany, Italy and their ring leader the US, are of a colonial mindset, with the ringleader having great aspirations to an empire. UK and the EU countries all invaded countries enslaving and subjugated the inhabitants. Piracy was their claim to fame.
The other propaganda claim is that the terrorist state is “democratic”, so that this gives it legitimacy conveniently forgetting to mention that Hamas was democratically elected but quickly sidelined. Thus, creating the satanic division between the PLO on the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza.
Unfortunately, the PLO was deceived into throwing down their arms in complete submission to let the terrorist state walk all over them whenever they want and wherever they want. The promise of a two-state solution to what should always have been a single one-state solution. In fact, the late Yasser Arafat, at the Camp David summit in 2000, gave away everything to the terrorist state, in a desperate search for peace, to revive the now defunct Oslo Agreement of 1993, but quite rightly stood his ground on Jerusalem. He stated clearly, “it was not his to give away”.
Clinton tried very hard to give the impression that he was taking the right steps by letting the two parties discuss issues, directly. He was said to be keen to leave a legacy of his presidency by “settling” the Israel Palestine issue. Basing his character portrayal on his role model John F. Kennedy, and trying to match the achievements of Jimmy Carter, he pushed Arafat very hard over the 11 days. Much of the reporting by Western media outlets including CNN was based on factual accounts of the meetings.
The Oslo accords should be seen as a trap for the Palestinians. Forced to surrender their arms with the pie-in-the-sky promise of a “two state” solution, including lot of pressure on the PLO by the Arab states. The Arab states seemed to have a fairy tale of Fatah Mubin. The Arab states were conned into supporting the Gulf war invasion of 1990, little realizing that they were falling right into the hands of the forces determined to set up a greater Israel.
Now toothless, the PLO stands trapped between the lion's jaws, together with the Palestinian people. Leaving Gaza and Hamas isolated and abandoned, and with the end of occupation just a dream. Another propaganda is “settlers”. These terrorist state settlers and settlements are “squatters”. This problem with “squatters” should not be difficult for the Americans to understand. American history needs no reminder about how squatters were dealt with in the wild west of America.
The western media is trying to exploit the rumors, attributed to some West Bank people that they somehow blame Hamas for the terrorist state's siege and carpet bombing of Gaza. It must be clearly understood why any kind of reprisal against the terrorist state is in pure frustration, because all other means of solutions to their dire position of the past 75 years has been exhausted. They have been patient for 75 years (sabr), but there is a limit to this. The people of Gaza have surely now resigned to the fact that they have no savior in the surrounding Arab states, and only Allah (SWT) can be their savior. The situation must not be allowed to be diverted with simply the issue of the hospital bombings. It is not simply about condemnation of the bombing of the hospital, but the Gaza prison set up by the terrorist state, and not forgetting the “wall” inside the West Bank.
Reagan famously shouted out, “Mr. Gorbachev, bring down this wall!”. Well, it is high time another such wall came down. Only resistance movements like Hamas can bring about this change. © 2025