The Outcome Belongs To Allah (SWT)
Sheikh Yusuf Ibn Adam
“... Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in their hearts.” (Surah Ar-Ra'd 13:11)
Victory always belongs to Allah (SWT), and he who seeks glory, let him know All Glory belongs to Allah (SWT). No one will share in it, for victory belongs to Allah (The Almighty) (SWT) alone; but the struggle is ours, and the choice to struggle is ours, and the question everyone should ask is “what can I do within my capacity to strive?”
When one asks this question, the answer becomes abundantly clear, and that's why the Zionists have lost the favor of the public opinion; because the ordinary Muslim woke up and decided to ruin their algorithm and make the Palestinian content reach other world citizens, who no longer believe in the pro-Israel narrative. Because now all can see what the Zionists are doing in Gaza, the monopoly of information has been broken, and the perception informed by the counter narrative has the power to influence the course of events. NGOs like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International were made to call Israel (the Zionist entity) an apartheid regime, and apartheid had to be mentioned even at the United Nations, as useless as it is. And for the first time in 75 years, the Zionist sponsored US Congress had to mention it too.
These were, so far, some of the results of seemingly insignificant Muslim online efforts, but not so insignificant. Now it’s time for supporters outside of the fold of Islam, who have been protesting in all major world capitals, to realize the issue is all about Islam and not a struggle for a secular political agenda of left-wing ideologies. For example: calling for human rights, civil rights of minorities, or separating groups based on the Marxist cliche of class identities. Only Shariah is the real solution, and its implementation is Allah’s (SWT) right.
It’s time to call for Islamic Law to be implemented as a real solution, and the abolishment of the hypocrisy of democracy must become the theme of this moment. Calls for democratic continuity ought to be seen as more of the same; a nasty alliance of criminals, a reason for shame and a sign of betrayal to real human values, which are to be taken from the guidance of Divine Revelation and not pseudo-philosophers blinded by atheism and worldliness. It is time to stop apologizing for Islam and its Divine Law, and validating the claim of secular societies that Islam is backward and dated. Know well: It is from The Creator of the heavens and the earth, and its Truth is absolute.
Muslims ought to be proud of what was revealed by Allah (SWT) to the last and true Prophet Muhammad (SAAW), and be uncompromising in their certainty and affirmation that only Islam will bring justice, for it is only the justice of the divine revealed Islamic Law that will bring true world peace; and this is the way of the Prophets (AS).
When Abu Sufyan was in front of Heraclius, he was asked about who were the ones who follow the Prophet Muhammad (SAAW); Abu Sufyan answered: “The lowest of society, the shepherds and former slaves”; but it turned out that those were the very people who made Islam great, who made the Ummah honored. So, if you believe you are weak and insignificant, remember those people who seemed weak and insignificant too, but that made Islam great and proclaimed Allah (the Greatest) (SWT) to be The Greatest above all that exists.
And if we can alter this attitude of low self-esteem that is unfortunately prevalent, and that was caused by the divide and conquer strategy of colonialism; I believe this Ummah can finally wake up and realize the strength it has as One Ummah, and finally understand why it's been under such severe suppression, perpetrated by so-called Muslim leaders, governments and elites, though truly hypocrites who are terrified that the promise of Allah (SWT) must and will come to pass, and that Muslims will finally realize their power as a united Ummah. When we understand that the outcome belongs only to Allah (SWT), and decide to start striving and trusting that Allah (The Most High) (SWT) will bring about the best of what is to be.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAAW) is remembered in history by the impact he left, and that was carried on by his companions who took Islam to the four corners of the then known world. He struggled without a need to see the outcome, just as we don't need to see the outcome of our struggle. What is needed is to strive relentlessly and build the bases on which the outcome might be achieved. We, Muslims, are not a people who say “we've done it”, no, for all riches and praises in this world pale before The One to whom all riches and praises belong.
We are the ones who say “Allah, I'm only a traveler in this dunya, I’ve seen of Your Goodness and I’ve seen evil, and by your orders I'm doing what I can within my given powers to try to rectify it, because I'm just a passerby and I want to live forever in Your Gardens, that's where I want to be, near You. So, I strive today, because I know that by standing against injustice and oppression; I'll please You, and be near You and see You on That Day!”
So realize where you are and deploy your powers, and based on that, leave the outcome to Allah (The Just) (SWT), for you don't know what he will decide, and that's why our blessed Prophet Muhammad (SAAW) said that Surah Hud had given him gray hairs, because in it, Allah (SWT) gives examples of Prophets (AS) who could not convince their people, and he (SAAW) was anxious about his people being saved, but for that we ought to do our sincere best, and know that the outcome belongs to Allah (SWT) alone.
May Allah (SWT) bless our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAAW), his purified family (RA) and righteous companions (RA). © 2025