(English) Tanzeem-e-Islami - ادارہ

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PRESS RELEASE: 18 December 2023

“Political and military leaders of Muslim countries must militarily assist Palestinian Muslims alongside diplomatic, political and economic support.” (Shujauddin Shaikh)

“The Al-Aqsa Storm has proven that even today, through the power of faith and trust in Allah (SWT), oppressive forces equipped with modern technology and weaponry can be openly challenged.” (Dr. Khalid Qadomi)

“The world is witnessing history being written in Gaza, and the children of Palestine are fearlessly proclaiming that Allah (SWT) is sufficient for them.” (Asif Luqman Qazi)

“In order to further and ultimately fulfill their agenda of a Greater Israel, Zionists will target other Muslim countries after Gaza.” (Ayub Baig Mirza)

“Through the “Hurmat-e-Masjid-e-Aqsa Aur Hamari Zimedari” campaign and by organizing a seminar on this topic, Tanzeem-e-Islami is fulfilling the obligation of Jihad which falls on the shoulders of Pakistan’s Muslims as well as the entire Muslim Ummah on their behalf.” (Sajjad Mir)

“Muslim leaders must take practical steps instead of mere sermons regarding the Palestine and Kashmir issues.” (Brig. R. Javed Ahmed)


(“Lahoo Lahoo Falesteen Aur Masjid-e-Aqsa Ki Pukaar”,
a seminar under the aegis of Tanzeem-e-Islami)

Lahore (PR): A seminar bearing the topic, “Lahoo Lahoo Falesteen Aur Masjid-e-Aqsa Ki Pukaar” was organized under the aegis of Tanzeem-e-Islami on 17 December, 2023, in Grand Empire Marquee, Lahore. In his keynote address, the Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami, Shujauddin Shaikh, said that the Palestine issue relates to the entire Muslim Ummah. The reality is that the Mujahideen of Hamas are presently fighting a war for the protection of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the survival of the Muslim Ummah against disbelieving oppressors. The Palestine issue holds immense religious and historical significance. Ongoing Zionist oppression over the past 75 years can in no way be forgotten. Israel’s brutality in Gaza since 7 October, 2023, is such that innocent women, children and the elderly are being martyred through nonstop bombing. The West, spearheaded by the US and Britain, is standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Israel in this genocide of the Palestinian Muslims, and is equally responsible for Israel’s crimes against humanity. He said that does the civilian and military leadership of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan not know that soon after the creation of Pakistan, its policy regarding Israel was firmly established on fundamentally religious grounds as per the statements of Quaid-e-Azam. According to that policy, entertaining the idea of a two-state solution is equivalent to recognizing the illegitimate Zionist state and rebellion against Allah (SWT). He said that the steadfastness of the Palestinian Muslims is in reality a result of immovable faith and trust in Allah (SWT). Political and military leaders of Muslim countries must militarily assist Palestinian Muslims alongside diplomatic, political and economic support. This is an inevitable consequence of our honor based on faith.

The senior representative of Hamas and spokesperson of Hamas in Western Asia and Pakistan, Dr. Khalid Qadomi, in his speech, said that Dr. Israr Ahmed (RAA), is also a benefactor of the entire Muslim Ummah in that sense too that he uncovered the history of Al-Aqsa and the Zionists’ sinister agenda in front of the masses. 7 October 2023, is a monumental day in Palestinian history, a day when the Palestinian public rose up against 75 years of oppression and persecution and dealt a crushing blow to Israel, humiliating its false image of being invincible. He said that the Al-Aqsa Storm has proven that even today, through the power of faith and trust in Allah (SWT), oppressive forces equipped with modern technology and weaponry can be openly challenged. Masses around the world are raising their voices for the Muslims of Palestine. Protests are ongoing against Israeli brutality in both Muslim and non-Muslim countries. However, it is saddening that leaders of Muslim nations are unable to even openly raise their voices for the oppressed Palestinians, much less extend any form of practical aid. Egypt’s Rafah border still remains effectively closed. The need of the hour is that all Muslim nations unite and assist the Palestinian Muslims and Hamas Mujahideen on a political and diplomatic level, at the very least.

Addressing the seminar, the Markazi Nazim Nashr o Ishaat of Tanzeem-e-Islami, Ayub Baig Mirza, said that the Palestine issue and the matter of Al-Aqsa’s sanctity is a central link in the final clash between the former Muslim Ummah and the present one. The reality is that Jews today are following the footsteps of Satan and are adamant on rebellion and transgression against Allah (SWT). In their jealousy of the Muslims, they are subjecting Palestinian Muslims to the worst form of brutality, while for the future, their crosshairs are set on other Muslim countries. From the Jewish viewpoint, ever since the creation of Israel, an Islamic nuclear-equipped Pakistan is the biggest roadblock in the advancement of the plan for the formation of Greater Israel. The ambition of a Greater Israel was proposed almost a century and a half ago by Zionist elders, and there has been no change to this objective whatsoever. The fact of the matter is that due to their incompetence, negligence and cowardice, Muslims suffered a disgraceful defeat at the hands of Israel in 1967. It is now incumbent upon the entire Muslim Ummah, including Pakistan, to quit mere lip service, and stop Israel’s hand by practically entering the fray, otherwise, global peace will be compromised.

Addressing the seminar, the Director of Foreign Affairs of Jamaat-e-Islami, Asif Luqman Qazi, said that the world is witnessing history being written in Gaza, and that these events will eventually shape the course of history. The Palestinian nation, victimized by Zionist brutality for the past 75 years, in a display of immense bravery and courage, is challenging Israel, which has complete support of the oppressive system of the West. On the other hand, children of Palestine are fearlessly proclaiming that Allah (SWT) is sufficient for them. All international standards of human rights are being violated in Gaza, while the leaders and powerful classes of the Muslim Ummah remain silent spectators. He raised the question that the Prime Minister of Pakistan, followed by the Army Chief on his visit to the US, presented the two-state solution after consultation on which forum? The reality is that even before 7 October, the Israeli oppression of Palestinian Muslims was nonstop, while the entire world was spectating, moreover, certain key Muslim countries were taking steps towards establishing relations with Israel. Muslim countries that have had ties with Israel in the past have faced only detriment because of them. Our leaders and influential class must remember that they have to answer for each and every one of their actions and decisions in front of Allah (SWT) on the Day of Judgement.

Renowned columnist, Sajjad Mir, said that large demonstrations have been carried out in the US and western countries against Israeli oppression and for the rights of Gaza’s Muslims, but no public demonstration of that scale has been seen in Pakistan. He said that through the “Hurmat-e-Masjid-e-Aqsa Aur Hamari Zimedari” campaign and by organizing a seminar on this topic, Tanzeem-e-Islami is fulfilling the obligation which falls upon the shoulders of Pakistan’s Muslims as well as the entire Muslim Ummah on their behalf. He questioned that how come there is no trace of the military alliance encompassing 39 Muslim countries which was formed a few years ago, of which a former Army Chief of Pakistan was made the head. He emphasized that every individual must realize his responsibility.

Addressing the seminar, spokesperson of the Ex-Servicemen Society, Brig. R. Javed Ahmed, said that leaders of Muslim countries must take practical steps for resolving the Palestine and Kashmir issues. He posed the question that when we will not aid the Muslims of Palestine, how will we move towards solving the Kashmir issue?

The senior Rafique of Tanzeem-e-Islami, Abdur Razzaq, was the stage secretary of the event. The Ameer of Halqa Lahore Sharqi of Tanzeem-e-Islami, Noor Al-Wara, recited the Holy Quran at the beginning of the program. Shafique Baig Chugtai offered Naat. During the program, Sohail Mirza dedicated poetry to the Muslims of Palestine.


Issued by:


Naib Nazim Shoba Nashr o Ishaat

Tanzeem-e-Islami Pakistan