(English) Sacrifice - ادارہ

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  (A Muslim should be willing to) sacrifice everything for the sake of Allah (SWT). People have made sacrifices for the sake of worldly revolutions. The Communist Revolution would not have come about if people had not laid down their lives and had not endured hardships. Other people cannot even think of how easy it is for a Muslim to lay down his life in the cause of Allah (SWT) as he believes in the Hereafter and for him the true life is that of the Hereafter. Hence, what kind of a loss does he face if he sacrifices everything for the sake of Allah (SWT)? What he believes is that he will be rewarded many times over in the Hereafter; 700 times over or 1000 times over hence he will not at all suffer a loss. The more staunchly a person believes in the Hereafter the more he will invest himself in the cause. Who would be more unwise than the person if he deposits all his savings in a bank? The bank will, at the most, give him a 10-15% profit on his savings but Allah’s (SWT) bank is open and gives him an increase of 700%. So what is the point of scrimping and saving here. As Jesus (AS) said, “Do not save in this world, here the worm destroys your savings, there are thefts and dacoities. Save in the Heavens where no worm can gnaw and destroy your wealth, where there is no theft or dacoity. And I tell you the truth wherever your assets and possessions are that is where your heart will be”. If you have accumulated worldly goods that is where your heart will be entangled. There will be nothing but remorse and regret when the angels would come to take away your soul. It has been narrated in a Hadith that the angels will take away the souls from non-believing materialist persons as if removing pieces of meat with skewers. If your savings have been placed in Allah’s (SWT) bank, your heart will dwell there. When the angel of death arrives, there will be a smile on your face.

نشان مرد مومن باتو گویم

چوں مرگ آید تبسم بر لب اوست

I tell you the condition of a Mo’min at the time of his death. He is all smiles.

If you have deposited as savings billions of rupees in a Swiss bank account and you are ordered to leave the country, will you feel any remorse? But if you have not saved anything abroad and you know no one, and then you are ordered to leave, you will definitely feel perplexed and extremely disturbed. It is precisely this unflinching faith in the Hereafter that is beyond comprehension for a large majority of people in this day and age and they are amazed to see Muslims ready to die for their faith. They have seen this strength and courage in Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine and Afghanistan. These are all signs of a strong belief in the Hereafter.

Ref: An excerpt from English translation of the Book رسول انقلابﷺ کا طریقہ نقلاب   by Dr Israr Ahmad (RAA); “The Prophet’s Strategy for Islamic Revolution” [Translated by Ms. Bir Gul Khan Bangash, revised by Dr. Absar Ahmad]