(English) The Fruit of Our Democracy - ادارہ

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The Fruit of Our Democracy

Masters of the kingdom are as perplexed as are their slaves in this state of dumb compounded confusion. Democracy itself will feel ashamed of its pitied state of derogation. The practices of the last seven and a half decades left it in such shambles that no one is ready to own it today.

Democracy by definition and its origin can never be a solution to the problems of a Muslim community and particularly when it’s as polarized as Pakistan. A people who are different to each other in every realm of life can only be united by Islam but unfortunately, we as a nation have lost that lofty ideal.

To be honest democracy in its pristine form has never been the intention of its masters. They use it as an illusion to distract the nation from going the path of Islam. From the very inception of Pakistan against the stated will of the founding fathers, “Pakistan Ka Matlab Kya? La Ilaha Illalah” this nation has been allured to establishing democracy instead of Islam. To keep the nation grope in darkness it has been sometimes administered the soporific drug of sham elections and sometimes the electric shocks of military dictatorship.

The nation has been fooled by the slogans of “Roti, Kapra, Makan” and “Nizame Mustafa” or by chanting the songs of “Naya Pakistan”, “Vote ko Izzat do” and “Haqiqi Azadi”. All have trodden the path of their foreign masters and all have contributed in distancing the people from their true ideals.

Today we are at the brink of economic default but morally, religiously, politically and as a social unit we have defaulted long ago. There is not a single institution which has the trust of the nation. Every institution has instead so much disappointed the masses that no one is ready to trust anyone.

We are divided into so many entities that it is now impossible to recognize who in fact we are. Everyone is wrestling with everyone. The struggle to accumulate more and more even at the expense of others’ lives, we are digging our mass grave. This is the fruit of democracy that we reap today.

About: The author is a Rafiq of Tanzeem e Islami